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Mailriser Documentation

Documentation/Lists/Creating a List
Creating a List
Learn how to create a list.

You can create a list by going to your dashboard and clicking on the Lists tab. Then click on the Create List button.

Alternatively, you can click here to go to /lists/create to create a list.

A list will require a name and a description. You can use any name and description you want, it won't be shown to users and is just for your own purposes.

Then, you can optionally set a welcome email which will be sent to all subscribers when they are added to the list. This is a great way to welcome new subscribers and give them a reason to open your emails.

Finally, you can set an unsubscribe email which will be sent to all subscribers when they unsubscribe from the list. You can use this email to thank them for being a subscriber and give them a reason to re-subscribe.