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Documentation/Templates/Creating a Template
Creating a Template
Learn how to create a template.

To create a template, click the Templates teb in the left navigation bar.

Then click on the Create New Template button.

From here, you will just need to provide a name for your template and a format.

You can choose from the following formats:


The markdown option is a powerful and easy way to add formatting to your template, such as bold, italics, headers, and more. You can also add links, images, and tables.


The HTML option is for those who are familiar with HTML and want to add more advanced formatting to their templates.

Now, give the template a description so that you can easily identify it later.

Then you can fill in the template with the content you want to use. Remember that the content needs to be in the format you selected.

Once you have filled in the template, you can preview it to make sure it looks the way you want it to by clicking the Preview Template button.

If you are satisifed with the result, you can click the Create Template button to create it.

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